Little Star Center Bloomington celebrates a milestone
By Danyl Epperheimer, MS, BCBA
Assistant Clinical Director, Little Star Center Bloomington
On August 5, Little Star Center Bloomington celebrated our first successful transition from our program.
This transition was not expedited by insurance coverage, school, or parents. The transition occurred because this learner met all of his goals and was successfully transitioning into Kindergarten, indistinguishable from this peers, without engaging in targeted unwanted behaviors identified with autism. This learner, his parents, and his clinical team at Little Star Center have worked together as a unified team. The family was an integral part of every decision that the Clinical team made.
The progress that he made in two years is remarkable. The amount of pride that each and every one of us has for this young man and his family cannot be put in to words. The transition was a showcase of his awesomeness, and the tears were for the love and admiration we will always have for this family. Congratulations!