Little Star Center Opening in Bloomington
Little Star Center is expanding services for families and children affected by autism to Bloomington. The new Little Star Center Bloomington will open spring 2014. Center leaders will begin accepting applications for evaluations for learners and staff in January.
Application Process and Open House
Applications will be accepted from families with children affected by autism in January. A parent information meeting and open house is scheduled for:
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014
4 to 8 p.m.
Terry’s Catering, 3116 Canterbury Drive
Interested families can also email or call for more information.
New Hire Process
At least 10 professionals will be hired for the new facility. Available positions for the Bloomington center are for professionals with education or backgrounds in child psychology, special education, education, speech sciences and child development. Experience with autism or ABA is preferred. Interested professionals can email a cover letter and resume