A tribute to Santa

Every year when it’s cold and cheery,

When excitement builds for children and parents grow weary,

Planning begins at Little Star Center, where the guest of honor will appear,

It’s Santa, the same jolly gentleman who visits our learners each year.

From the moment he enters Little Star’s doors, Santa is greeted with hugs and even a few


He knows our learners are beautiful, unique, bright “stars,” so he handles each of them with

special care.

Photos are unpredictable, there could be cries, screams or even fear,

But, our Santa waits for that perfect moment of calm to give the thumbs up for the camera

flash to appear.

He’s seen many of our learners grow into their teens,

They’re much too old for Santa, but give him a handshake, or sneak a moment on

the photo screen.

Yes, our Santa is special to Little Star, a family member we hold dear,

The holidays would not be the same without him because he brings joy and laughter to our

learners year after year!